How are things doing over there, from where you see this blog?
After all I didn't went to Belgrade this weekend. Couldn't take the early train on this saturday morning so I cancelled the bed booked at Hostel Centar in Belgrade and decided to enjoy a lazy day.
Maybe tomorrow I take a bus somewhere nearby...
Today I finished reading:

Very disturbing... Reviving a Lisbon that I never met but that touched me through people I know. Travelling to Portugal in the words of a lonely character. Thinking about a war that does not belong to my time but it a part of it, as a cause for social attitudes and diseases. Living sex as the salvation for a pointless life. Though, feeling the tenderness and gentleness of a belief, something that never dies...
It would be very motivating, rewarding and pleasing to have some comments from those who take the time to visit my blog. Where there is "Participation", under each post, you can click and add something to this space that I share with you.
Thank you, from all my heart.
Yours sincerely,
Ana Teresa
Aloha winda!
espero que mesmo tristinha, estejas cheia de forca para enfrentares os desafios que ai vem...vai tudo correr bem..
depois de amanha tb embarco na minha aventura..tou cheinha de medo!
beju enorme, carla lopes
Estou aqui bem perto de ti... na Roménia!
Será que dá para nos vermos?
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