Thursday, October 16, 2008

A journey to the heaven of Novi Sad

Yesterday I put my camera on the shoulder and left for work.

Another boring day, collecting ideas for future projects. Some interesting information on how to reuse stuff. One of the websites that I bumped into on my research:

As soon as I left home, at 10h in the morning, someone was cooking outside, on the street's sidewalk.

After a day at the office, including a break for a typical serbian meat meal, I finally had the time to disappear and find myself in the most beautiful and quiet place of Novi Sad.
Here are some pictures of my yesterday's walk to Petrovaradin, the fortress over Danube.

Waters that purify a city of discontentment.
The river that reflects the frowning faces of sorrow.

Colours that I don't find in Portugal...

Há gatos na rua, com bom ar, simpáticos, mimados, independentes. Gosto quando me cumprimentam com o seu ar altivo ou quando acorrem aos meus tornozelos numa investida pela fofurice.
Não há cães abandonados pelas ruas e não se vêem muitos pela trela.
(There are cats on the streets, looking good, friendly, indulged, independent. I like it when they greet me with their proud looks or when they run to my ankle rushing for cuddling.
There are no abandoned dogs on the streets and there are hardly any dogs wearing a leash.)

Children play with their imagination. Each time I cross this park during the day all of me smiles.